Meet Lucey Lou!


As some of you know I sold my Prodigy in November and ordered a new machine from APQS.  My space was a little lonely for about 3 weeks but it gave us an opportunity to make some storage improvements.  I was able to get a couple of quilts finished before we left for Christmas.

So, here is Lucey!


Yes, she came with the big red bow!  Nice touch from APQS, right?


The first quilt I worked on was for my granddaughter, Olivia.  I wanted to start with a edge to edge freehand so I could get used to the feel of the new machine.  I just did some loops and leaves which went well with the quilt top.


I’ll add a full size picture soon.

It didn’t take long to fall in love with Lucey!


Next, I wanted to finish one of my mom’s quilts.  This was mostly ruler work, with a little freehand on the border.




Here is a close-up of the border freehand from the back.


I have a couple more pieces to show, but I need to do a little photo editing first.  WordPress has changed the photo editing and I haven’t yet found the rotate function (as you may have noticed above)

Until next time….happy quilting!

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