Category Archives: Little Projects

Handy little fabric bin


So….if you haven’t heard already, my sister had a project published in the current issue of Quilting Arts Gifts.  I finally made not one, but two!  I was visiting my mother last weekend and made both of these.

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I was very surprised at my mother’s fabric choices–hers is on the right.

The little pockets on the front will hole a fat-handled seam ripper (upside down), a marking pencil, a stiletto and a small pair of scissors.  I’ll use the bin section for threads and scraps to be thrown away.  This will be very convenient for classes, as it also collapses.  It was very easy and inexpensive to make.  The only thing I did differently was to use plastic canvas for the rigid sides instead of cutting up old VHS cases.  I am looking forward to using mine next weekend at our local guild’s sew day.


Brown Bag Exchange


Recently I have found myself making a couple of small projects.  At the September meeting of the Quilt Connection Guild our newly elected president Linda R. asked us each to take a small brown bag home with us.  During the month we were to fill it with something fall-related.  It didn’t have to be quilt related, but we could spend no more than $5.  We were also encouraged to use part of this budget to decorate the bag.  At the October meeting we had the brown bag exchange.

I l keep a small stock of coffee cups in my studio.  When I see one that I like and it is $4 or less I will buy it for my cup stash.  I picked out a fall-colored mug and used that mug as inspiration for a quick mug rug.  The recipient (Mary H.) said that she loved her gift.

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The contents of my bag were from Ana S.  It was filled with lots of goodies!  A cute pin cushion, and handmade needle case and a fat quarter.  Also, a large flower pin was used to decorate the bag.

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I hope all who participated in the brown bag exchange were pleased with what they received.  It was a fun activity.